Tagged: Women’s Ordination

2814. The Lutheran Church of Australia’s Approval of Women’s Ordination – Pr. Matt Harrison, 10/7/24

2053. Responding to Dr. Gerald Kieschnick on the Decline of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod – Pr. Larry Peters, 7/23/24

1641. Media Coverage of the Annual Meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention – Terry Mattingly, 6/12/24

1653. Media Coverage of the Annual Meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention – Terry Mattingly, 6/14/23

3012. This Week in Pop-Christianity: A Sermon Preached by Saddleback’s New Female Pastor Stacie Wood – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 10/28/22

1343. This Week in Pop-Christianity: The Ordination of Three Female Pastors at Saddleback Community Church – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 5/14/21

3232. Are the Words, “Women Should Keep Silent in the Churches” in 1 Corinthians 14 Authentic? – Dr. Gregory Lockwood, 11/21/17

1. Responding to Liberal Proof Texts: Does Galatians 3:28 Approve of Women Pastors? – Dr. Andrew Das, 5/11/16

2. Responding to Liberal Proof Texts: Does 1 Corinthians 11:3-15 Permit Women Pastors? – Dr. Gregory Lockwood, 3/18/16

2. Responding to Liberal Proof Texts: Were Aquila and Pricilla a Ministry Team, Was Phoebe an Evangelist? – Dr. Michael Middendorf, 3/15/16