How to Support Issues, Etc.
1: Promote Issues, Etc. in Your Church Bulletin
Here is some sample copy for the week of February 9.
THE PROMISES OF GOD IN SCRIPTURE SERIES…How do you know if a promise in the Bible is for you? Issues, Etc., a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL, is doing a series on The Promises of God with Pastor Will Weedon of “The Word of the Lord Endures Forever.” You can listen to this series at
2: Download a PDF to Print
3: Share an Issues, Etc. Video
Other Issues, Etc. YouTube Videos:
Issues, Etc. Soundbites
LPR: Sacred Music for the Christmas Season
Issues, Etc. Reformation Week 2011
You Can’t Teach Laypeople Theology?
Issues, Etc. Reformation Week, 2010
Christ-Centered, Cross-Focused Talk Radio
Listen to What You Want, When You Want
Talk Radio for the Thinking Christian
4: Put the Widget at Your Blog or Website
You can get the Issues, Etc. widget below.
Once the widget is on your blog, send us a link to your entry at or use this form.
- Right-click on the image above and save it to your computer. If you want a larger version of it, you can right-click here and save the image.
- Upload the image to your blog or website.
- Place the image where you like using your blog software. More detailed instructions for WordPress are below.
WordPress Instructions
- In the WordPress Dashboard, click “Appearance” then “Widgets.”
- From the “Available Widgets”, choose image and drag it to your Sidebar on the right.
- Copy and paste the following url into “Image url”:
- Copy and paste the following url into “Link url”:
- Click “Save.”
- You may have to update your latest blog post before the widget will appear in your blog’s sidebar.
If you don’t see the “Image” widget, you may need to install the Jetpack plugin to your WordPress site.