Tagged: White Horse Inn

1. Christ Alone – Dr. Rod Rosenbladt, 5/5/15

2. Pietism – Dr. Rod Rosenbladt, 5/4/15

4. The Biblical Basis for the Doctrine of the Trinity – Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, 11/5/14

2. Faith Formation in the Family – Shane Rosenthal, 5/19/14

2. The Church and Homosexuality – Dr. Michael Horton, 11/14/13

2. Repentance – Dr. Rod Rosenbladt, 10/14/13

3. Secularism and Our Children – Shane Rosenthal, 9/6/13

1. Movement-Driven Christianity – Dr. Michael Horton, 3/12/13

4. The Church vs. the Parachurch – Dr. Michael Horton, 10/12/12

3. Martin Luther’s Rediscovery of the Gospel – Dr. Rod Rosenbladt, 8/28/12

4. Christianity and Islam – Dr. Mike Horton, 6/27/12

2. Responding to Dr. Thomas Ice’s Rapture Theology – Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, 6/19/12

4. Is Christianity Masculine or Feminine? – Dr. Mike Horton, 5/29/12

1. Why Do People Leave Evangelicalism? – Shane Rosenthal, 4/18/2012

Social Activism and the Black Church, Pastor Ken Jones 10/06/2011