Tagged: Soundbite

Issues, Etc. Soundbite of the Week, 10/14/16
Soundbite of the Week 1 Deaconess Rose Adle on Mothers Who Regret Having Children 2Read More

Issues, Etc. Soundbite of the Week, 9/9/16
Soundbite of the Week 1 Susanne Venker, What Feminism Thinks of the Breadwinning Husband 2Read More

Issues, Etc. Soundbite of the Week, 8/12/16
Soundbite of the Week 1 David Daleiden, Why Abortion Advocates Won’t Watch the Planned ParenthoodRead More

Issues, Etc. Soundbite of the Week, 4/15/16
Soundbite of the Week 1 Pr. Hans Fiene on Hillary Clinton Calls Abortion a “DifficultRead More

Issues, Etc. Soundbite of the Week, 4/8/16
Soundbite of the Week 1 Pr. Matt Harrison, The People and Their Pastors 2 Dr.Read More

Issues, Etc. Soundbite of the Week, 4/1/16
Soundbite of the Week 1 Dr. Robert George, Donald Trump’s Demagoguery 2 Dr. Paul Wendland,Read More

Issues, Etc. Soundbite of the Week, 3/11/16
Soundbite of the Week 1 Andy Stanley on Small Churches 2 Dr. Thomas Winger, AnRead More