Tagged: Science

3601. Answering Arguments against Christianity: Science Has Disproven the Existence of God – Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, 12/26/21

3463. Answering Arguments against Christianity: Christianity is Anti-Intellectual – Dr. Angus Menuge, 12/8/21

2924. The Ethical Track Record of Outgoing Director of the National Institutes for Health Francis Collins – Dr. John West, 10/19/21

0562. How Christians Interact with the Culture: Engagement on Depression – Dr. Alfonso Espinosa, 2/25/21

0552. How Christians Interact with the Culture: Engagement on Sexuality and Addiction – Dr. Alfonso Espinosa, 2/24/21

0542. How Christians Interact with the Culture: Engagement on Personhood and Sexuality – Dr. Alfonso Espinosa, 2/23/21

0502. How Christians Interact with the Culture: The Engagement Triangle Demonstrated – Dr. Alfonso Espinosa, 2/19/21

3491. The New England Journal of Medicine Calls for the Removal of Sex from Birth Certificates – Wesley Smith, 12/14/20