Tagged: Romans

Encore: Responding to Roman Catholic Proof Texts: Does James 2:24 Reject Faith Alone? – Pr. Steven Parks, 5/22/17

Encore: Responding to Roman Catholic Proof Texts: Does Romans 3:28 Teach Faith Alone? – Pr. Steven Parks, 5/22/17

1. A New York Times Story Claiming the Book of Romans Calls for the Execution of Homosexuals – Mollie Hemingway, 6/17/16

1. Responding to Roman Catholic Proof Texts: Does James 2:24 Reject Faith Alone? – Pr. Steven Parks, 12/3/15

1. Responding to Roman Catholic Proof Texts: Does Romans 3:28 Teach Faith Alone? – Pr. Steven Parks, 10/29/15

ISSUES, ETC. 24 – Myths About Lutheranism: “Lutherans Over-Emphasize the Apostle Paul” – Dr. Lane Burgland, 11/14/14