Tagged: Reformation Series

1. Martin Luther and the Reformation, Part 9: Luther’s “The Babylonian Captivity of the Church” and “On the Freedom of a Christian” – Dr. Ken Schurb, 1/18/16

2. Martin Luther and the Reformation, Part 8: Luther’s “On Good Works” and “To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation” – Dr. Ken Schurb, 1/15/16

1. Martin Luther and the Reformation, Part 7: Luther and Authority in the Church – Dr. Ken Schurb, 1/4/16

1. Martin Luther and the Reformation, Part 6: Luther Arrives at Justification by Grace Through Faith – Dr. Ken Schurb, 12/14/15

1. Martin Luther and the Reformation, Part 3: Luther as Monk, Priest and Professor – Dr. Ken Schurb, 11/16/15