Tagged: President Obama

1. President Obama’s State of the Union Statements about Homosexual Marriage – Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, 1/14/16

4. Media Coverage of Gov. Scott Walker’s Comments About President Obama’s Christian Faith – Terry Mattingly, 2/25/15

2. President Obama’s Comments about the Crusades during the National Prayer Breakfast – Dr. Matt Phillips, 2/11/15

3. President Obama’s Quotation of the Old Testament in a National Address on Illegal Immigration – Prof. Tom Egger, 11/21/14

3. President Obama’s Recent Statement on Stay-at-Home Mothers, Lena Dunham & Planned Parenthood, and Feminism and “Street Harassment” – Mollie Ziegler Hemingway, 11/4/14

2. Questions the Media Need to Ask President Obama after the Gosnell Trial Verdict – Mollie Ziegler Hemingway, 5/14/13

2. Responding to President Obama’s Speech to Planned Parenthood’s National Conference – Scott Klusendorf, 4/29/13

2. Sermon Review: The Easter Sermon Heard by President Obama and His Family – Rev. Luis León, 4/3/13