Tagged: Pastoral Office

2. Jesus Sends out the 72 in Luke:10:1-24 – Pr. Tom Baker, 4/5/16

2. The Priesthood of Believers and the Pastoral Office – Pr. Matt Harrison, 4/4/16

2. Listener Email and the Issues, Etc. Comment Line, 10/5/15

1. The Liturgy of Ordination, Part Four – Pr. Will Weedon, 9/17/15

1. The Liturgy of Ordination, Part Three – Pr. Will Weedon, 5/21/15

1. The Liturgy of Ordination, Part Two – Pr. Will Weedon, 4/16/15

2. Responding to Some Arguments for Women’s Ordination – Dr. John Nordling, 3/6/15

1. The Gospel for Former Evangelicals: The Office of the Pastor – Pr. Jeremy Rhode, 2/9/15

2. The Past, Present and Future of Pastoral Training – Dr. Larry Rast, 1/21/15

1. The Smalcald Articles: Excommunication, Ordination, The Call and the Marriage of Priests – Pr. Paul McCain, 12/8/14

3. Suffering in the Pastoral Office – Pastor Jerry Gernander, 10/21/14

1. Women Pastors – Dr. John Kleinig, 4/4/14

2. How a Non-Lutheran Pastor Becomes a Lutheran Pastor – Pr. Herb Mueller, 3/7/14

2. The Training and Formation of Pastors – Dr. Larry Rast, 7/22/13

3. The Office and Responsibilities of a Pastor, Part 4: Study of Scripture and the Confessions, Prayer – Pr. Peter Bender, 3/6/13

3. The Office and Responsibilities of a Pastor, Part 3: Admonition to Holy Living – Pr. Peter Bender, 2/27/13

1. The Office and Responsibilities of a Pastor, Part 2: Visitation – Pr. Peter Bender, 2/25/13

3. The Office and Responsibilities of a Pastor, Part 1: Catechesis and Confession – Pr. Peter Bender, 2/20/13

1. The Pastoral Office in the Four Gospels – Dr. Peter Scaer, 1/25/13

1. Timothy and Titus – Dr. Curtis Giese, 1/23/13

1. Why Does a Pastor Wear a Clerical Collar? – Pr. Anthony Voltattorni, 11/6/12

Issues, Etc. 24: The Ministry and The Keys – Pr. Jonathan Mumme, 5-7 am

2. The Sin of Pessimism – Pr. Anthony Voltattorni, 10/17/12