Tagged: Papal Authority

1732. Responding to Roman Catholic Proof Texts: Mariology – Pr. Steven Parks, 6/22/21

0891. Responding to Roman Catholic Proof Texts: Unwritten Authority – Pr. Steven Parks, 3/30/21

2962. Pope Francis’ Recently Reported Comments on Same-Sex Civil Unions – Pr. Paul McCain, 10/22/20

Encore: Responding to Roman Catholic Proof Texts: Matthew 16:18 “On This Rock I Will Build My Church” – Pr. Steven Parks, 5/22/17

1. Martin Luther and the Reformation, Part 7: Luther and Authority in the Church – Dr. Ken Schurb, 1/4/16

1. Responding to Roman Catholic Proof Texts: Matthew 16:18 “On This Rock I Will Build My Church” – Pr. Steven Parks, 10/16/15

Encore: The Reformation and Papal Authority – Dr. Ronald Feuerhahn, 9/23/15

Issues, Etc. Classic: The Lutheran Refomation and Papal Authority – Dr. Ron Feuerhahn

The Reformation & Worship The Reformation & Vocation The Reformation & the Theology of theRead More

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011