Tagged: Old Testament

3. Does the Bible Support Abortion Rights? Genesis 2:7; Numbers 3:39-40; 5:57 – Dr. David Adams, 9/9/15

2. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary) Jesus Heals a Boy with an Unclean Spirit – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 9/8/15

2. Christ in the Old Testament: Isaiah 35, The Ransomed Shall Return – Pr. Brian Kachelmeier, 9/4/15

1. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary) Jesus Heals a Woman and a Deaf Man – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 8/31/15

1. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary) What Defiles a Man – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 8/24/15

2. Christ in the Old Testament: Isaiah 29, “The Siege of Jerusalem” – Pr. Brian Kachelmeier, 8/21/15

1. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary) Traditions of Men – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 8/17/15

1. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3-Year Lectionary) “The Words of Eternal Life” – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 8/11/15

2. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning: Trinity 11 (One Year Lectionary) – Pr. David Petersen, 8/10/15

1. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning: (3-Year Lectionary) I Am the Bread of Life – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 8/3/15

1. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning: (3-Year Lectionary) I Am the Bread of Life – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 7/28/15