Tagged: Old Testament

Encore: Looking Forward to Sunday Morning: Ash Wednesday (1-Year Lectionary) – Pr. David Petersen, 2/12/18

Encore: Looking Forward to Sunday Morning: The First Sunday in Lent (3-Year Lectionary) – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 2/12/18

Encore: Looking Forward to Sunday Morning: The First Sunday in Lent (1-Year Lectionary) – Pr. David Petersen, 2/12/18

Encore: Looking Forward to Sunday Morning: Quinquagesima (1-Year Lectionary) – Pr. David Petersen, 2/5/18

Encore: Looking Forward to Sunday Morning: The Transfiguration of Our Lord (3-Year Lectionary) – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 2/5/18

Encore: Looking Forward to Sunday Morning: Sexigesima (1-Year Lectionary) – Pr. David Petersen, 1/30/18

Encore: Looking Forward to Sunday Morning: 5th Sunday After the Epiphany (3-Year Lectionary) – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 1/30/18

Encore: Looking Forward to Sunday Morning: Septuagesima (1-Year Lectionary) – Pr. David Petersen, 1/22/18

Encore: Looking Forward to Sunday Morning: 4th Sunday After the Epiphany (3-Year Lectionary) – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 1/22/18

0152. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning: The Third Sunday after the Epiphany – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 1/15/18

0101. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning: The Second Sunday after the Epiphany – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 1/10/18

Encore: “Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” – Dr. Andy Bartelt, 12/25/17

3591. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning: First Sunday after Christmas and New Year’s Eve – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 12/26/17

3542. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (1 Year Lectionary): Fourth Sunday in Advent – Pr. David Petersen, 12/20/17