Tagged: Office of the Ministry

2871. The Lutheran Confessions: The Augsburg Confession on Repentance, the Use of the Sacraments, and Ecclesiastical Order- Pr. Paul McCain, 10/14/19

2763. The Lutheran Confessions: The Augsburg Confession on Baptism, the Lord’s Supper and Confession – Pr. Paul McCain, 10/3/19

2732. The Lutheran Confessions: The Augsburg Confession on The Ministry, New Obedience and The Church – Pr. Paul McCain, 9/30/19

2631. The Lutheran Confessions: The Augsburg Confession on God, Original Sin, the Son of God and Justification – Pr. Paul McCain, 9/20/19

1963. The Lutheran Confessions: The Small Catechism, Christian Questions and Their Answers – Pr. Paul McCain, 7/15/19

1783. The Lutheran Confessions: The Small Catechism, The Daily Prayers and the Table of Duties – Pr. Paul McCain, 6/27/19

1721. The Lutheran Confessions: The Small Catechism, The Sacrament of the Altar – Pr. Paul McCain, 6/21/19

1512. The Lutheran Confessions: The Small Catechism, The Office of the Keys – Pr. Paul McCain, 5/31/19

3404. The Killing of Missionary John Allen Chau and the Risks of Foreign Mission Work – Pr. Daniel McMiller, 12/6/18

1. The Requirements for the Pastoral Office, Part 3: The Ordination of Women – Dr. Thomas Winger, 5/27/16

1. The Requirements for the Pastoral Office, Part 2: The Pastoral Epistles – Dr. Thomas Winger, 5/25/16