Tagged: Offering

2561. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): The Dishonest Manager – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 9/12/16

2423. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): Cost of Discipleship- Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 8/29/16

2322. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): He Who Humbles Himself – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 8/19/16

2281. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): The Narrow Door – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 8/15/16

2211. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): I Have Not Come to Bring Peace – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 8/8/16

1. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): Do Not Be Anxious – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 8/3/16

1. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): The Parable of the Rich Fool – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 7/25/16

1. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): The Lord’s Prayer – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 7/19/16

3. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): Mary and Martha – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 7/12/16

1. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): The Parable of the Good Samaritan – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 7/5/16

1. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): Jesus Sends the 72 – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 6/28/16

1. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): The Cost of Jesus’ Call – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 6/20/16

1. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): Jesus Heals a Man with a Demon – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 6/15/16

1. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): A Sinful Woman Forgiven – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 6/6/16

Encore: Looking Forward to Sunday Morning: Trinity 2 (1-Year Lectionary) – Pr. David Petersen, 6/2/16

1. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): Jesus Raises the Widow’s Son- Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 5/31/16

2. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): Jesus Heals a Centurion’s Servant – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 5/23/16

1. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): Trinity Sunday – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 5/16/16

1. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): The Day of Pentecost – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 5/10/16