Tagged: New York

3371. A California Student Sues to Stop School Vaccine Mandate & An Update on New York’s Health Care Worker Vaccine Mandate – Paul Jonna, 11/30/21

2723. Media Coverage of New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s Statements about God and the COVID Vaccine – Terry Mattingly, 9/29/21

3371. Media Coverage of the US Supreme Court Decision to Strike Down New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s COVID Restrictions for Religious Gatherings – Terry Mattingly, 12/2/20

3352. The US Supreme Court Strikes Down New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Restrictions on Religious Gatherings – Akiva Shapiro, 11/30/20

1814. A Federal Judge Requires New York Leaders to Treat Religious and Secular Gatherings Equally – Christopher Ferrara, 6/29/20

1341. Media Coverage of the Central Park Field Hospital Run by Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse – Terry Mattingly, 5/13/20

0252. A Pastoral Response to the Expansion of Abortion in Illinois and New York – Pr. Matt Harrison, 1/25/19

1091. A New Yorker Column “Chick-fil-A’s Creepy Infiltration of New York City” – Terry Mattingly, 4/19/18