Tagged: National Right to Life

2782. The Biden Administration’s Reversal of Title X Funding Rule on Abortion – Carol Tobias, 10/5/21

1043. The FDA’s Decision to Lift In-Person Requirement for Dispensing Abortion Drugs & The Born Alive Abortion Survivor’s Protection Act – Carol Tobias, 4/14/21

0361. A Los Angeles Times OpEd Predicts Pro-Life Violence and The Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act – Carol Tobias, 2/5/21

0221. President Biden’s Overturning the Mexico City Policy on Funding Abortion Overseas – Carol Tobias, 1/22/21

2543. Three Issues: President Trump’s Announcement of Future Supreme Court Candidates, a Chemical Abortion Case before the Supreme Court, and the New President of Planned Parenthood – Carol Tobias, 9/10/20

1813. The US Supreme Court Strikes Down a Louisiana Law Requiring Abortionists to Have Hospital Admitting Privileges – James Bopp, Jr., 6/29/20

0631. A New York Times Op/Ed on Pro-life Strategy & The Supreme Court’s Reconsideration of a Louisiana Abortion Law on Admitting Privileges – Jennifer Popik, 3/3/20

0565. The US Senate Votes on Two Abortion Bills and a Federal Appeals Court Rules for President Trump on Federal Funding for Abortion – Jennifer Popik, 2/25/20

0423. A Senate Committee Hearing on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act – Carol Tobias, 2/11/20

2762. The Building of a Secret Planned Parenthood Mega-Clinic in the St. Louis Metro East – Carol Tobias, 10/3/19

0873. Plugging a Loophole in the Mexico City Policy and The House Version of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act – Carol Tobias, 3/28/19

0801. A New York Times Editorial Claiming that State Legislatures Are Banning Abortion – Carol Tobias, 3/21/19