Tagged: Michael New

0433. A Journal Retracting Three Studies Showing the Health Risks of Chemical Abortion & a Report on the Increase in Texas’ Fertility Rate – Dr. Michael New, 2/12/24

0362. A New Study Claiming a Decrease in Mental Health after the Dobbs Decision – Dr. Michael New, 2/5/24

0261. A New Study Claiming 65,000 Children Conceived in Rape in Pro-Life States & a New York Times Essay, “Dobbs Didn’t Reduce Abortion”- Dr. Michael New, 1/26/24

3522. Reported Support for Abortion and a New Report on Crisis Pregnancy Centers – Dr. Michael New, 12/18/23

2192. Abortion and an Ohio Referendum Requiring a 60% Majority to Amend the State Constitution – Dr. Michael New, 8/7/23

2063. The Contraceptive Pill, A CNN Story about Infant Mortality in Texas, and Abortion Attitudes – Dr. Michael New, 7/25/23