Tagged: Martin Luther

2963. A Berlin Exhibit on Nazi Exploitation of Martin Luther’s Legacy – Uwe Siemon-Netto, 10/23/17

2962. The 500th Anniversary of the Reformation – Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, 10/23/17

2932. The Reformation, Part 6: The Reformation in England – Dr. Cameron MacKenzie, 10/20/17

2921. The Reformation, Part 5: The Calvinist Reformation – Dr. Cameron MacKenzie, 10/19/17

2911. The Reformation, Part 4: The Reformed Reformation – Dr. Cameron MacKenzie, 10/18/17

2901. The Hymn, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” – Kirk Meyer, 10/17/17

2852. The Reformation, Part 3: From Luther to Lutheranism – Dr. Cameron MacKenzie, 10/11/17

2821. The Past, Present and Future of Confessional Lutheranism, Part 3: Pietism, Rationalism and the Enlightenment – Pr. Paul McCain, 10/9/17

2791. The Reformation, Part 2: Luther, the Man and the Moment – Dr. Cameron MacKenzie, 10/6/17

2773. The Reformation, Part 1: Introduction – Dr. Cameron MacKenzie, 10/4/17

2761. The Past, Present and Future of Confessional Lutheranism, Part 2: Concord after Luther’s Death – Pr. Paul McCain, 10/3/17

2703. The Past, Present and Future of Confessional Lutheranism, Part 1: Martin Luther – Pr. Paul McCain, 9/27/17

2621. The PBS Film, “Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World” – Dr. Cameron MacKenzie, 9/19/17

2344. The Reformation and Secularization – Dr. Korey Maas, 8/23/17

2201. Martin Luther’s Prayers: Luther’s Baptismal Flood Prayer – Pr. Bryan Wolfmueller, 8/8/17

2161. Renaissance Humanism and Luther’s Early Reforms – Dr. Timothy Dost, 8/4/17

2153. Martin Luther’s “On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church” – Dr. Erik Herrmann, 8/3/17

2152. The Reformation and Beauty – Dr. Mark Mattes, 8/3/17

2143. Martin Luther and the Benefits of the Lord’s Supper – Pr. Christopher Esget, 8/2/17

2142. The Old Latin School in Wittenberg, Germany – Kristin Lange, 8/2/17

2132. Luther’s Small Catechism as a Prayer Book – Prof. John Pless, 8/1/17

2131. Wittenberg in the Reformation – Dr. Martin Treu, 8/1/17

2122. The 95 Theses – Dr. Cameron MacKenzie, 7/31/17