Tagged: Martin Chemnitz

0731. The Lutheran Confessions: The Preface and the Summary, Norm and Rule of the Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord – Pr. Paul McCain, 3/13/20

0653. The Lutheran Confessions: Introduction to the Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord – Pr. Paul McCain, 3/4/20

2981. The Past, Present and Future of Confessional Lutheranism, Part 4: The Struggle for Lutheran Identity in America – Pr. Paul McCain, 10/25/17

2821. The Past, Present and Future of Confessional Lutheranism, Part 3: Pietism, Rationalism and the Enlightenment – Pr. Paul McCain, 10/9/17

2761. The Past, Present and Future of Confessional Lutheranism, Part 2: Concord after Luther’s Death – Pr. Paul McCain, 10/3/17

2. The Lutheran Reformers & God’s Law, and 17th Century Theologian Johann Gerhard – Dr. Ben Mayes, 8/17/15