Tagged: Lutheranism

0762. Lutheran Identity: Simultaneously Saint and Sinner & Lutheran Music – Dr. Alvin Schmidt, 3/17/17

2996. Reformation Week, Luther’s Inner Circle: Luther’s Fellow Reformer Philip Melanchthon – Dr. Ken Schurb, 10/25/16

2982. Reformation Week, Luther’s Inner Circle: Luther’s Father Confessor Johann Staupitz – Dr. Markus Wriedt, 10/24/16

1. National Lutheran Schools Week, Part 5: Lutheran Education and the Languages – Pr. Heath Curtis and Jocelyn Benson, 1/29/16

2. National Lutheran Schools Week, Part 4: Lutheran Education and Vocation – Dr. Gene Edward Veith, 1/28/16

2. National Lutheran Schools Week, Part 3: Lutheran Education and Catechesis – Pr. Peter Bender, 1/27/16

2. National Lutheran Schools Week, Part 2: Lutheran Education and Baptism – Pr. Stephen Kieser, 1/26/16