Tagged: LGBTQ

3253. The 10th Anniversary of a Statement on the Sanctity of Marriage, The Manhattan Declaration – Pr. Jonathan Lange, 11/21/19

3011. Democratic Presidential Candidate Elizabeth Warren’s Education Plan for Transgenderism in Public Schools – Joy Pullmann, 10/28/19

2971. A Custody Dispute between Parents Who Disagree about Sexually Transitioning Their Son – Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, 10/24/19

2942. An Illinois School District’s Response to Parents’ Complaints about LGBTQ Preschool Curricula – Joy Pullmann, 10/21/19

2771. A Tribunal Ruling against a British Doctor Who Refused to Use Transgender Pronouns – Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, 10/4/19

2672. An Atlantic Essay on New York City’s Public Schools & Identity Politics and Scholastic Publishing – Joy Pullmann, 9/24/19