Tagged: Law

1321. The Lutheran Confessions: The Lord’s Supper in the Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord – Pr. Paul McCain, 5/11/20

1211. The Lutheran Confessions: The Third Use of the Law in the Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord – Pr. Paul McCain, 4/30/20

1142. The Lutheran Confessions: Law and Gospel in the Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord – Pr. Paul McCain, 4/23/20

2771. A Tribunal Ruling against a British Doctor Who Refused to Use Transgender Pronouns – Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, 10/4/19

1722. The Moral, Civil, and Ceremonial Laws in the Old Testament – Dr. Christopher Mitchell, 6/21/19

Encore: Natural Law – Aaron Wolf, 4/2/18

3121. Lutheran Ethics: Law and Gospel – Dr. Joel Biermann, 11/8/18

2813. The Supreme Court after Brett Kavanaugh’s Confirmation – Dr. Hadley Arkes, 10/8/18

2703. God’s Law Always Accuses apart from Christ, Part 2 – Pr. Brian Kachelmeier, 9/27/18

2633. God’s Law Always Accuses apart from Christ, Part 1 – Pr. Brian Kachelmeier, 9/20/18

2121. Dualities in Scripture: The Word of God – Dr. Alfonso Espinosa, 7/31/18

2113. Sanctification and Good Works – Pr. Bryan Wolfmueller, 7/30/18

2081. Dualities in Scripture: Two Kingdoms – Dr. Alfonso Espinosa, 7/27/18

2072. Dualities in Scripture: Law and Gospel – Dr. Alfonso Espinosa, 7/26/18

2063. Dualities in Scripture: The Christian as Saint and Sinner – Dr. Alfonso Espinosa, 7/25/18

1593. Religious Truth Claims – Craig Parton, 6/8/18

1212. Teaching Eternal Truths: The Ten Commandments – Pr. Jonathan Fisk, 5/1/18

1162. The History and Theology of Martin Luther’s Heidelberg Disputation – Dr. Cameron MacKenzie, 4/26/18

0922. Natural Law – Aaron Wolf, 4/2/18

0321. Introducing the Books of the Bible: Numbers – Pr. Bryan Wolfmueller, 2/1/18

1523. Law and Gospel Preaching – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 6/1/17

1521. Teaching a Sunday School Lesson: God Gives the Law – Pr. Tom Baker, 6/1/17

0862. Christian Devotion: Law and Gospel – Pr. Bryan Wolfmueller, 3/27/17