Tagged: Human Rights

0271. The Criminal Trial of Two Finnish Lutheran Leaders for Statements on Human Sexuality – Paul Coleman, 1/27/22

2312. The Posthumous Pardon of Susan B. Anthony and the Selection of Kamala Harris as the Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate – Marjorie Dannenfelser, 8/18/20

0831. A Ruling Against Two Swedish Nurses Denied Midwife Jobs for Refusing to Take Part in Abortions – Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, 3/23/20

0564. Non-Human Rights in New York, Transhumanism, and Religious Persecution in China – Wesley Smith, 2/25/20

2771. A Tribunal Ruling against a British Doctor Who Refused to Use Transgender Pronouns – Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, 10/4/19

0142. Do Plants Have Rights? and the Affordable Care Act and Transgender Discrimination – Wesley Smith, 1/14/19

1501. Ireland’s Legalization of Abortion, The US State Department’s Report on Religious Freedom, & the French President’s Address to Catholic Bishops – Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, 5/30/18

0691. A New York Times Story about Compassion International Leaving India – Terry Mattingly, 3/10/17

3. Punishment for Abortionists and their Customers & Hillary Clinton on the Rights of the Unborn – Dr. Frank Beckwith, 4/6/16