Tagged: homosexuality

1. Christian Ethicist David Gushbee Joins the LGBT Cause – Dr. Robert Gagnon, 10/29/14

1. A Recent PBS Religion and Ethics Newsweekly Story on “Transgendered People and Theology” – Pr. Thomas Eckstein, 10/24/14

4. The City of Houston Subpoenas Pastors’ Sermons – Dr. Scott Murray, 10/15/14

1. Media Coverage of the Vatican’s Extraordinary Synod on the Family – Dawn Eden, 10/15/14

4. American Attitudes toward Religion, Politics, Marriage and Homosexuality – Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, 9/24/14

1. The Drafting of Professional Football’s First Openly Gay Player – Pr. George Borghardt, 5/13/14

2. An HGTV Show Cancelled Over Same-Sex Issue – Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, 5/9/14

3. World Vision Reverses Decision on Gay Marriage – Mollie Ziegler Hemingway, 3/28/14

5. World Vision’s Decision to Hire Gay Married Christians – Joe Dallas, 3/26/14

3. The Death and Life of Fred Phelps, Sr. Founder of Westboro Baptist Church – Dr. Albert Mohler, 3/21/14

2. A Pastoral Perspective on the Announcement by Potential NFL Draft Pick Michael Sam that He is Gay – Pr. Ben Ball, 2/12/14

2. A&E’s Suspension of Phil Robertson from “Duck Dynasty” for Comments on Homosexuality – Mollie Ziegler Hemingway, 12/19/13

2. The Church and Homosexuality – Dr. Michael Horton, 11/14/13

1. Sex Education and Your Children – Dr. Gary Zieroth, 10/24/13

3. Jesus on Homosexuality – Pr. Tom Eckstein, 10/15/13

3. Media Coverage of Mormonism, Homosexuality and Religious Freedom – Bobby Ross, Jr., 10/10/13

3. Pope Francis on Homosexuality and Same-Sex Marriage – Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, 10/1/13

4. Pope Francis’ Latest Statements About Abortion, Contraception and Homosexuality – Dr. James Hitchcock, 9/20/13

1. Responding to Australian President Kevin Rudd on Homosexuality and the Bible – Dr. Robert Gagnon, 9/6/13

4. Mega-Church Pastor Brian Houston on Homosexuality – Chris Rosebrough, 8/30/13

2. Media Coverage of Dartmouth College’s Reversal of an African Bishop’s Appointment – George Conger, 8/19/13

2. Concupiscence: The Inclination to Sin – Pr. Paul McCain, 8/5/13

2. Fuller Theological Seminary Sanctions LGBT Student Group – Chris Rosebrough, 7/15/13