Tagged: Good Works

1321. The Lutheran Confessions: The Lord’s Supper in the Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord – Pr. Paul McCain, 5/11/20

1211. The Lutheran Confessions: The Third Use of the Law in the Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord – Pr. Paul McCain, 4/30/20

1142. The Lutheran Confessions: Law and Gospel in the Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord – Pr. Paul McCain, 4/23/20

1081. The Lutheran Confessions: Good Works in the Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord – Pr. Paul McCain, 4/17/20

1031. The Lutheran Confessions: The Righteousness of Faith in the Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord – Pr. Paul McCain, 4/10/20

0933. The Lutheran Confessions: Free Will in the Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord – Pr. Paul McCain, 4/2/20

0861. The Lutheran Confessions: Original Sin in the Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord – Pr. Paul McCain, 3/26/20

0731. The Lutheran Confessions: The Preface and the Summary, Norm and Rule of the Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord – Pr. Paul McCain, 3/13/20

0653. The Lutheran Confessions: Introduction to the Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord – Pr. Paul McCain, 3/4/20

0162. The Lutheran Confessions: Distinction of Foods, Monastic Vows and Church Authority in the Augsburg Confession – Pr. Paul McCain, 1/16/20

3463. The Lutheran Confessions: The Mass and Confession in the Augsburg Confession – Pr. Paul McCain, 12/12/19

3393. The Lutheran Confessions: Invocation of Saints, Communion in Both Kinds, and Marriage of Priests in the Augsburg Confession – Pr. Paul McCain, 12/5/19

3151. The Lutheran Confessions: The Augsburg Confession on Free Will, the Cause of Sin, and Good Works – Pr. Paul McCain, 11/11/19

2332. The Lutheran Confessions: Luther’s Small Catechism, First and Second Commandments – Pr. Paul McCain, 8/21/18