Tagged: Gay Marriage

2893. Democratic Presidential Candidate Beto O’Rourke on Churches and Tax-Exempt Status – Pr. Hans Fiene, 10/16/19

0802. Proposed Full Fellowship between the United Methodist Church and the Episcopal Church – Terry Mattingly, 3/21/19

0592. Media Coverage of General Conference of the United Methodist Church – Terry Mattingly, 2/28/19

0443. Academic Leaders Call the United Methodist Church to Accept Homosexuality – John Lomperis, 2/13/19

2124. The Creation of a Task Force on Religious Liberty by the US Department of Justice – Dr. Ryan Anderson, 7/31/18

2293. An Appeal to the Supreme Court by a Wyoming Judge Removed for Her Beliefs on Homosexual Marriage – Pr. Jonathan Lange, 8/17/17

1792. The Church’s Response to Changing Evangelical Attitudes on Same Sex Marriage – Dr. Peter Scaer, 6/28/17

1782. The Supreme Court Rules on the Birth Certificates of the Children of Same-Sex Couples – Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, 6/27/17

2581. Tim Kaine’s Statement about the Catholic Church Changing on Gay Marriage – Pr. Hans Fiene, 9/14/16