Tagged: Free Exercise of Religion

2291. A University Ordered to Pay a Conservative Student for Violating Her First Amendment Rights – Maggie DeJong & Mathew Hoffman, 8/17/23

1932. A New York Times Op-Ed “The Supreme Court’s Disorienting Elevation of Religion” Jake Warner, 7/12/23

0692. Case before the US Supreme Court on Religious Accommodation in the Workplace – Rachel Morrison, 3/10/23

0302. The American Civil Liberties Union Argues that Abortion Is a Religious Right – Thomas Jipping, 1/30/23

1031. Media Coverage of a US Supreme Court Decision Permitting Clergy to Pray at an Execution – Terry Mattingly, 4/13/22

0772. The US Military, Vaccine Mandates, and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act – Eric Baxter, 3/18/22

0573. Amazon’s Removal of the Book, “When Harry Became Sally,” the Equality Act, and President Biden’s Nominee to Lead the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services – Dr. Ryan Anderson, 2/26/21