Tagged: Forgiveness

0951. The Lutheran Confessions: Luther’s Small Catechism, The Blessings of Baptism – Pr. Paul McCain, 4/5/19

0911. The Lutheran Confessions: Luther’s Small Catechism, The Nature of Baptism – Pr. Paul McCain, 4/1/19

0671. The Lutheran Confessions: Luther’s Small Catechism, The Means of Grace – Pr. Paul McCain, 3/8/19

0582. The Lutheran Confessions: Luther’s Small Catechism, The Lord’s Prayer, “Lead Us not Into Temptation” and “Deliver Us from Evil” – Pr. Paul McCain, 2/27/19

0461. The Lutheran Confessions: Luther’s Small Catechism, The Lord’s Prayer, “Forgive Us Our Trespasses as We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us” – Pr. Paul McCain, 2/15/19

3411. The Lutheran Confessions: Luther’s Small Catechism, The Lord’s Prayer, “Hallowed Be Thy Name” – Pr. Paul McCain, 12/7/18

3092. The Lutheran Confessions: Luther’s Small Catechism, The Lord’s Prayer, Introduction – Pr. Paul McCain, 11/5/18

3021. The Lutheran Confessions: Luther’s Small Catechism, The Apostles’ Creed, God the Holy Spirit – Pr. Paul McCain, 10/29/18

2331. Teaching a Sunday School Lesson: The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant – Pr. Tom Baker, 8/21/18

1921. Raising Christian Children in an Age of Secular Progressivism: Teaching Children Forgiveness – Pr. Jonathan Fisk, 7/11/18

1002. Martin Luther and the Reformation, Part 60: Luther’s Treatment of the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 7:24-29 – Dr. Ken Schurb, 4/10/17

0955. Martin Luther and the Reformation, Part 59: Luther’s Treatment of the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 7:21-23 – Dr. Ken Schurb, 4/5/17

0882. Martin Luther and the Reformation, Part 58: Luther’s Treatment of the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 7:16-20 – Dr. Ken Schurb, 3/29/17

0793. Martin Luther and the Reformation, Part 57: Luther’s Treatment of the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 7:15 – Dr. Ken Schurb, 3/20/17