Tagged: Fighting for the Faith

2883. This Week in Pop-American Christianity: The Twisting of Scripture’s Storm Stories – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 10/14/16

2744. This Week in Pop-American Christianity: How Televangelists Use Jewish Fall Festivals to Fleece Their Viewers – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 9/30/16

2584. This Week in Pop-American Christianity: The Code Orange Revival – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 9/14/16

2532. This Week in Pop-American Christianity: Preaching Opinions rather than Scripture – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 9/9/16

4. This Week in Pop-American Christianity: Spiritual Augmented Reality – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 7/22/16

5. This Week in Pop-American Christianity: Pope Francis Meets with Charismatic Leaders – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 7/8/16

3. This Week in Pop-American Christianity: Narcissistic HighJacking of Bible Stories – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 6/22/16

2. This Week in Pop-American Christianity: Evangelicalism and Gnosticism – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 5/27/16

2. This Week in Pop-American Christianity: Nicole Crank and Giving Birth to Your Dreams – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 5/20/16

4. This Week in Pop-American Christianity: Hillsong’s Christine Caine and 2 Kings 7 – Chris Rosebrough, 3/18/16

3. This Week in Pop-American Christianity: Rob Bell’s Book, “How to Be Here” – Chris Rosebrough, 3/11/16

3. This Week in Pop-American Christianity: A Prophecy of Revival after a Carolina Panthers Super Bowl Victory – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 2/5/16

4. This Week in Pop-American Christianity: Mark Driscoll’s Return to Ministry and New Years’ Predictions – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 12/18/15

3. This Week in Pop-American Christianity: Backtracking on End Times Predictions & More Dream Destiny Teachings – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 11/13/15

3. This Week in Pop-American Christianity: The Results of Rejecting Scripture Alone – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 11/6/15

2. This Week in Pop-American Christianity: Troy Gramling’s Dream Destiny Thingy Doctrine – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 10/30/15

3. This Week in Pop-American Christianity: Perry Noble’s View of the Lord’s Supper – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 10/16/15