Tagged: Evangelicals

1411. An Atlantic Article on Evangelicals and a Conspiracy Theory Called Qanon – Terry Mattingly, 5/20/20

1293. This Week in Pop-Christianity: How Pandemic Prophets Explain Their False Predictions – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 5/8/20

0904. A New York Times Op/Ed Column, “The Religious Right’s Hostility to Science Is Crippling Our Coronavirus Response” – Mark Hemingway, 3/30/20

0714. Comparing President Donald Trump to the Old Testament’s King Cyrus – Dr. Andrew Steinmann, 3/12/18

3492. Media Coverage of Evangelical Voters and the Alabama Senate Election – Terry Mattingly, 12/15/17

1792. The Church’s Response to Changing Evangelical Attitudes on Same Sex Marriage – Dr. Peter Scaer, 6/28/17

2841. Liturgical Bootcamp for Evangelicals: Who Is the Main Actor in Worship? – Pr. Bryan Wolfmueller, 10/11/16