Tagged: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

1891. A LGBTQIA+ Guide Published for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – Dr. Robert Benne, 7/7/20

3384. Membership Decline Predictions by the Office of Research and Evaluation for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – Dr. Robert Benne, 12/4/19

3012. Paths to Lutheranism: From Roman Catholic, Baptist and Liberal Lutheranism – Pr. Brian Kachelmeier, 10/28/19

2201. The Church-wide Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto, 8/7/19

2601. The Recent Youth Gathering for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – Dr. Robert Benne, 9/17/18

2182. The Theological Direction of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – Matthew Cochran, 8/6/18

2142. A Religion News Service Interview of Six Newly-Elected Female Bishops in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – Mark Tooley, 8/2/18

2982. Open Lines: Reaction to Bishop Elizabeth Eaton’s Comments on the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, Part 2, 10/25/17

2971. Open Lines: Reaction to Bishop Elizabeth Eaton’s Comments on the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, Part 1, 10/24/17

2922. Media Coverage of an Attempt by a Liberal Congregation to Reverse Membership Decline – Terry Mattingly, 10/19/17

2314. Media Coverage of Mainline Protestantism and Joint Lutheran/Catholic Discussions – Terry Mattingly, 8/18/16

2304. An Agreement Between the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Roman Catholic Church – Dr. Al Collver, 8/17/16