Tagged: Early Church

3. Third Century Martyr Valentine – Dr. Joel Elowsky, 2/11/16

Encore: Early Fourth Century Martyr, Lucia – Dr. James Bushur, 12/11/15

6. Fourth Century Bishops Nicholas of Myra and Ambrose of Milan – Dr. Joel Elowsky, 12/4/15

4. Eight Century Theologian and Hymnwriter John of Damascus – Pr. Will Weedon, 12/4/15

2. First Century Bishop and Martyr Ignatius of Antioch – Pr. Will Weedon, 10/15/15

Encore: Third Century Bishop and Martyr Cyprian of Carthage – Dr. James Bushur, 9/15/15

3. Monica and Augustine – Dr. Joel Elowsky, 8/26/15

4. Sexual Fidelity in a Pagan Culture – Dr. Alvin Schmidt, 8/12/15

1. Third Century Deacon and Martyr Laurence – Pr. Heath Curtis, 8/7/15

Encore: Second Century Bishop of Lyons Irenaeus – Pr. Will Weedon, 6/26/15

Encore: Fifth Century Bishop of Alexandria Cyril – Dr. Bill Weinrich, 6/26/15

2. Why Early Christians Worshipped Before Sunrise – Pr. Mark Surburg, 6/5/15

1. Second Century Martyr, Justin – Dr. Joel Elowsky, 6/1/15

1. Fourth Century Bishop of Alexandria Athanasius – Dr. Bill Weinrich, 5/1/15

2. Second Century Martyr, Polycarp – Pr. Will Weedon, 2/19/15

1. First and Second Century Bishop of Rome Clement – Pr. Heath Curtis, 11/21/14

Encore: Third Century Bishop and Martyr, Cyprian of Carthage – Pr. Will Weedon, 9/15/14

3. Second Century Bishop of Lyons Irenaeus – Dr. James Bushur, 6/26/14

2. Fifth Century Bishop of Alexandria Cyril – Dr. David Maxwell, 6/26/14

3. Second Century Theologian Justin Martyr – Pr. Heath Curtis, 5/30/14

1. Fourth Century Bishop of Alexandria Athanasius – Dr. James Bushur, 5/2/14

Issues, Etc. Encore: 2nd Century Bishop and Martyr Polycarp of Smyrna – Dr. Bill Weinrich, 2/21/14

Issues, Etc. Encore: Athanasius & Luther on the Incarnation – Dr. Carl Beckwith & Pr. John Pless