Tagged: Donald Trump

3071. Responding to Theologian John Piper’s Argument against President Donald Trump – Dr. Robert Gagnon, 11/2/20

2881. Media Coverage of the US Supreme Court and Evangelical Support for President Trump – Terry Mattingly, 10/14/20

2751. An Atlantic Story Alleging that President Trump Secretly Mocks His Evangelical Supporters – Terry Mattingly, 10/1/20

2661. The Life and Legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and the Future of the Supreme Court – Dr. Robert George, 9/22/20

2543. Three Issues: President Trump’s Announcement of Future Supreme Court Candidates, a Chemical Abortion Case before the Supreme Court, and the New President of Planned Parenthood – Carol Tobias, 9/10/20

2392. Media Coverage of Jerry Falwell, Jr., Evangelical Scandals, and Liberty University – Terry Mattingly, 8/26/20