Tagged: Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization

1613. The Arrest of an Armed Man Near Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Home – Mark Hemingway, 6/10/22

1311. An Atlantic Column about Abortion and the Cultural Divide in America – Terry Mattingly, 5/11/22

1241. Media Coverage of Justice Samuel Alito’s Draft Opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson – Terry Mattingly, 5/4/22

1234. The Leak of Justice Samuel Alito’s Draft Opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson – Mollie Hemingway, 5/3/22

0972. A New Wall Street Journal Survey on the Popularity of Gestational Limit Laws – Dr. Michael New, 4/7/22

3541. US Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor on Religion and Abortion – Dr. Adam Carrington, 12/16/21

3383. The US Supreme Court Hears Arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization – Roger Severino, 12/1/21

3261. Planned Parenthood v. Casey and the “Legitimacy” of the US Supreme Court – Dr. Matthew Franck, 11/18/21

3062. Arguments before the US Supreme Court on a Texas Fetal Heartbeat Law – Clarke Forsythe, 11/2/21