Tagged: Daniel

2912. Teaching a Sunday School Lesson: Daniel – Pr. Tom Baker, 10/18/22

3543. The Prophet Daniel and the Three Young Men – Dr. Andrew Steinmann, 12/16/21

2632. Through the Old Testament in the Church Year: Daniel in the Lions’ Den – Dr. Ken Schurb, 9/20/21

2583. Through the Old Testament in the Church Year: Daniel – Dr. Ken Schurb, 9/15/21

0201. Biblical Prophecy and Current Events in Iran – Dr. Christopher Mitchell, 1/20/20

3511. Teaching a Sunday School Lesson: Daniel in the Lions’ Den – Pr. Tom Baker, 12/17/19

2991. Catechesis: The Second Commandment and Daniel in the Lions’ Den – Pr. Peter Bender, 10/26/18

2952. Introducing the Books of the Bible: Daniel – Pr. Bryan Wolfmueller, 10/22/18

Encore: Obedience and Disobedience to Government in the Book of Daniel – Dr. Andrew Steinmann, 7/4/18

3112. Teaching a Sunday School Lesson: Daniel in the Lion’s Den, 11/7/17

3054. Teaching a Sunday School Lesson: The Three Men in the Fiery Furnace – Pr. Tom Baker, 11/1/17

3512. Daniel the Prophet and the Three Young Men – Prof. Paul Elliott, 12/16/16

2293. The Three Men in the Fiery Furnace: Daniel 3 – Pr. Tom Baker, 8/16/16

Encore: Tim Lahaye on the Rapture – Dr. Tim Lahaye, 8/10/16

Encore: Reaction to the Tim LaHaye Interview on the Rapture – Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, 8/10/16

1. Obedience and Disobedience to Government in the Book of Daniel – Dr. Andrew Steinmann, 7/4/16

3. Daniel in the Lion’s Den: Daniel 6:1-27 – Pr. Tom Baker, 5/31/16

Encore: The Prophet Daniel and the Three Young Men – Dr. Andrew Steinmann, 12/17/15

4. Christ in the Old Testament: Daniel 7 – Pr. Brian Kachelmeier, 11/19/15

3. Christ in the Old Testament: Daniel 12 – Pr. Brian Kachelmeier, 11/12/15

1. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (1-Year Lectionary) The Sheep and the Goats – Pr. David Petersen, 11/10/15

1. Obedience and Disobedience to Government in the Book of Daniel – Dr. Andrew Steinmann, 7/2/15

Issues, Etc. Encore: The Prophet Daniel and the Three Young Men – Dr. Andrew Steinmann, 12/17/14