Tagged: Classical Education

Encore: National Lutheran Schools Week, Lutheran Education and the Languages – Pr. Heath Curtis and Jocelyn Benson, 1/28/19

Encore: National Lutheran Schools Week, Lutheran Education and Vocation – Dr. Gene Edward Veith, 1/28/19

Encore: National Lutheran Schools Week, Lutheran Education and Catechesis – Pr. Peter Bender, 1/28/19

Encore: National Lutheran Schools Week, Lutheran Education and Baptism – Pr. Stephen Kieser, 1/28/19

Encore: National Lutheran Schools Week, The History of Lutheran Education – Dr. Thomas Korcok, 1/28/19

0303. Progressive vs. Classical Lutheran Education: Catechization and the School – Dr. Thomas Korcok, 1/30/18

0291. Progressive vs. Classical Lutheran Education: Wrong Measurements for Assessing Schools – Dr. Thomas Korcok, 1/29/18

0252. Progressive vs. Classical Lutheran Education: Socialization vs. Formation – Dr. Thomas Korcok, 1/25/18

0223. Progressive vs. Classical Education: Method-Driven vs. Content-Driven – Dr. Thomas Korcok, 1/22/18