Tagged: Church of England

1831. The United Methodist Church of Great Britain Approves Same-Sex Marriage – John Lomperis, 7/2/21

3001. The Reformation, Part 7: Reformation and Reversals, Scotland and France – Dr. Cameron MacKenzie, 10/27/17

2782. The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Refusal to Answer a Question about Homosexuality – Bishop Keith Ackerman, 10/5/17

0473. The Church of England’s Rejection of a Report on Same-Sex Relationships – Bishop Keith Ackerman, 2/16/17

2523. An Open Letter Urging Church of England Bishops to Accept Gay Members – Bishop Keith Ackerman, 9/8/16

3. A Church of England Advertisement Rejected by British Theaters at the Star Wars Opening Weekend – Terry Mattingly, 12/9/15

2. The Church of England Removes References to the Devil from Its New Baptism Rite – Dr. Paul Grime, 7/16/14