Tagged: Christ’s Return

Seventeenth Century Lutheran Theologian Johann Gerhard on the End of the World – Dr. Ben Mayes, 12/10/24 (3452)

1462. What I Wish My Non-Lutheran Family Understood About: The End Times – Pr. Bryan Wolfmueller, 5/26/21

1351. The Lutheran Confessions – The Apology of the Augsburg Confession: Political Order, Christ’s Return for Judgment, Free Will, the Cause of Sin, Good Works – Pr. Paul McCain, 5/15/18

1. Looking forward to Sunday Morning (3-Year Lectionary) John the Baptist Prepares the Way – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 11/30/15

1. Looking forward to Sunday Morning (3-Year Lectionary) Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 11/23/15

1. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3-Year Lectionary) The Last Sunday of the Church Year – Dr. Carl Fickenscher, 11/18/15