Tagged: Catechism

3393. The Lutheran Confessions: Invocation of Saints, Communion in Both Kinds, and Marriage of Priests in the Augsburg Confession – Pr. Paul McCain, 12/5/19

3232. Lutheran Catechesis: Jesus Stills the Storm, and the Sixth and Seventh Petitions of the Lord’s Prayer – Pr. Peter Bender, 11/19/19

3151. The Lutheran Confessions: The Augsburg Confession on Free Will, the Cause of Sin, and Good Works – Pr. Paul McCain, 11/11/19

3092. Lutheran Catechesis: Joseph Forgives His Brothers, and the Fourth and Fifth Petition of the Lord’s Prayer – Pr. Peter Bender, 11/5/19

3021. Lutheran Catechesis: The Faith of the Canaanite Woman and the Third Petition of the Lord’s Prayer – Pr. Peter Bender, 10/29/19

2973. The Lutheran Confessions: The Augsburg Confession on Church Ceremonies, Civil Government, and Christ’s Return- Pr. Paul McCain, 10/24/19

2961. Lutheran Catechesis: Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer and the First Two Petitions of the Lord’s Prayer – Pr. Peter Bender, 10/23/19

2871. The Lutheran Confessions: The Augsburg Confession on Repentance, the Use of the Sacraments, and Ecclesiastical Order- Pr. Paul McCain, 10/14/19

2763. The Lutheran Confessions: The Augsburg Confession on Baptism, the Lord’s Supper and Confession – Pr. Paul McCain, 10/3/19

2732. The Lutheran Confessions: The Augsburg Confession on The Ministry, New Obedience and The Church – Pr. Paul McCain, 9/30/19

2631. The Lutheran Confessions: The Augsburg Confession on God, Original Sin, the Son of God and Justification – Pr. Paul McCain, 9/20/19

2602. Lutheran Catechesis: The Third Article of the Creed: the Day of Pentecost – Pr. Peter Bender, 9/17/19

2381. Lutheran Catechesis: The Third Article of the Creed, The Holy Spirit’s Ministry of Love, Part 3 – Pr. Peter Bender, 8/26/19

2324. Lutheran Catechesis: The Third Article of the Creed, The Holy Spirit’s Ministry of Love, Part 2 – Pr. Peter Bender, 8/20/19

2241. Lutheran Catechesis: The Third Article of the Creed, The Holy Spirit’s Ministry of Love, Part 1 – Pr. Peter Bender, 8/12/19

2173. Lutheran Catechsis: The Second Article of the Creed, the Second Coming, the Judgment – Pr. Peter Bender, 8/5/19