Tagged: American Evangelicalism

2901. This Week in Pop-Christianity: Evangelical Buzz Words, Part 3 – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 10/16/20

3123. This Week in Pop-Christianity: Megachurch Pastor Ron Carpenter’s Gnostic Teachings – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 11/8/19

1504. This Week in Pop-Christianity: Jennifer LeClaire’s Teaching on Spiritual Warfare – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 5/30/19

0182. This Week in Pop-Christianity: A Sermon by Hillsong’s Brian Houston on “Destiny Connections” – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 1/18/19

3483. This Week in Pop-Christianity: Should We Expect Daily Miracles? – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 12/14/18

3324. This Week in Pop-Christianity: Jesus Did Miracles Apart from His Divinity – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 11/28/

2152. This Week in Pop-American Christianity: Sergio De La Mora, A God Who Breaks the Rules – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 8/3/18

1733. This Week in Pop-American Christianity: Miracles While You Sleep- Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 6/22/18

1663. This Week in Pop-American Christianity: Doctrinal Transgenderism- Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 6/15/18

1954. This Week in Pop-American Christianity: Joyce Meyer on Dental Care and Colonoscopies – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 7/14/17

1672. This Week in Pop-American Christianity: Sermons Based on Direct Revelation – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 6/16/17

3. Responding to Evangelical Clichés: “There Is a God-Shaped Hole in Your Heart” – Pr. Bryan Wolfmueller, 10/27/15

1. Responding to Evangelical Prooftexts: Revelation 3:20, “I Stand at the Door and Knock” – Pr. Bryan Wolfmueller, 12/16/14