Reformation Club Levels & Benefits- clone
Reformation Club Levels & Benefits
($25/month, $250/year)
“I Have Issues” t-shirt
The books Objections Overruled and They Shall Never Perish
($50/month, $500/year)
“I Have Issues” t-shirt
The books Objections Overruled and They Shall Never Perish
2 Issues, Etc. Books of the Month
($100/month, $1,000/year)
“I Have Issues” t-shirt
The books Objections Overruled and They Shall Never Perish
4 Issues, Etc. Books of the Month
Bi-monthly written transcript
of an IE broadcast
($200/month, $2,000/year)
“I Have Issues” t-shirt
The books Objections Overruled and They Shall Never Perish
6 Issues, Etc. Books of the Month
Bi-monthly written transcript
of an IE broadcast
Your Church will be advertised on IE
You can also join the
Issues, Etc. Reformation Club,
by sending an email to
or call (618) 223-8385.