Expert Guests, Expansive Topics, Extolling Christ

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The “Best of” Interviews with Dr. John Warwick Montgomery

The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus

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Answering Arguments against Christianity: Biblical Inerrancy Isn’t Necessary for Salvation

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Paths to Lutheranism: From Liberal Protestantism

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Albert Schweitzer’s Psychoanalysis of Jesus

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Answering Arguments against Christianity: Science Has Disproven the Existence of God

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Answering Arguments against Christianity: Jesus Didn’t Physically Rise from the Dead

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Twentieth Century Luther Scholar Gerhard Forde on the Inspiration and Inerrancy of Scripture

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Stephen Hawking’s Final Paper about the Multiverse

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Was the Reformation a Cause of Witch Trials?

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Gospel Reductionism

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The Incarnation and Defense of the Christian Faith

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Responding to Bart Ehrman on “The Remembered Jesus”

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A Response to Atheist Sam Harris on Human Suffering

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The Jesus of Non-Christian Religions

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Christian Apologetics: Atheism

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Christian Apologetics: Many Gods, Many Scriptures

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Christian Apologetics: Is There More than One Way to God?

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Christian Apologetics: The Incarnation, Death and Resurrection of Jesus

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Christian Apologetics: Historical Narrative

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Christian Apologetics: Textual Evidence

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Christian Apologetics: Divine Revelation

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Christian Apologetics: The Influence of the Gospel

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Christian Apologetics: Literature and the Arts

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Christian Apologetics: Legal Evidence, the Resurrection and Human Rights

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Christian Apologetics: The History and Approach of Apologetics

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Christian Apologetics: Speculation vs. Fact

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Liberal Bible Scholarship and the Gospel of John

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Can Children Exposed to Religion Tell Fact from Fiction?

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Chinese Religions and Human Rights

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Responding to Bart Ehrman on the Deity of Jesus

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Responding to Bishop John Shelby Spong, Author of “The Fourth Gospel: Tales of a Jewish Mystic

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Who Is Jesus?

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Responding to Reza Aslan, Author of “Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth”

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Responding to “The Covert Messiah”

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Responding to Atheist Dr. PZ Myers

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The Existence of God

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Responding to Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori

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Euthanasia and the Right to Die

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Responding to Bart Ehrman’s New Testament Forgery Theory

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Discerning Divine Revelation

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Abortion and the Right to Life

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Luther and the Jews

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Should Christian Values Be Legislated?

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How Christian Is America?

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The Bible, the Qur’an & Violence

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The Virgin Birth

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The Historical Critical Method of Interpreting Scripture

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The Killing of Abortionists

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Answering Objections to the Bodily Resurrection of Christ

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Answering Objections of Unbelievers: Errors and Contradictions in Scripture

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Answering Objections of Unbelievers: The Problem of Evil

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Answering Objections of Unbelievers: The Exclusive Claims of Christianity

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Answering Objections of Unbelievers: Miracles

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Answering Objections of Unbelievers: The Existence of God

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Just War

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Chinese Religions & Human Rights

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