Expert Guests, Expansive Topics, Extolling Christ

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Historic Liturgy Series

The Historic Liturgy

Pr. Will Weedon, Director of Worship for
the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod


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The Confession of Sins

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The Absolution

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The Introit and Gloria Partri

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The Kyrie

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The Gloria

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The Alternate Hymn of Praise: Worthy is Christ

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The Salutation and Collect

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The Old Testament Reading

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The Gradual and Alleluia

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The Epistle and Gospel Readings

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The Creed

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The Sermon Hymn and Hymns

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The Sermon

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The Intercession and Prayers

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The Offertory and Offering

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The Preface and Proper Preface

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The Sanctus

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The Lord’s Prayer and Words of Institution

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The Pax Domini and Agnus Dei

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The Distribution and Distribution Hymns

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The Nunc Dimittis, Post-Communion Canticles and Collects

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The Benediction

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