Browsing: Alvin Schmidt

5. The Killing of 145 people by the Taliban in Pakistan and the Killing of Two Hostages by a Muslim Cleric in Australia – Dr. Alvin Schmidt, 12/17/14

4. Response to a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Column on Sen. Rick Santorum on Violence in Christianity and Islam – Dr. Alvin Schmidt, 9/30/14

1. The Mountain Meadows Massacre on September 11, 1857 – Dr. Alvin Schmidt, 9/12/14

4. The Salvation Army – Dr. Alvin Schmidt, 8/20/14

4. Islamic Group ISIS Announces a Caliphate over Iraq and Syria – Dr. Alvin Schmidt, 7/11/14

2. Syria and Mohammad’s Prophecy of “The Grand Battle” & Mosque Architecture – Dr. Alvin Schmidt, 4/4/14

4. Jimmy Carter on Religion and Gender Equality – Dr. Alvin Schmidt, 3/25/14

Issues, Etc. Encore: The Faith of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln – Dr. Alvin Schmidt, 2/17/14

1. Freemasonry – Dr. Alvin Schmidt, 12/9/13

3. Islam and Democracy – Dr. Alvin Schmidt, 10/7/13

3. The Beginning of Ramadan – Dr. Alvin Schmidt, 7/9/13

1. Parallels Between Joseph Smith and Muhammad, Part 4: The Psychological and Political Parallels – Dr. Alvin Schmidt, 4/17/13

2. Parallels Between Joseph Smith and Muhammad, Part 3: The Moral Parallels – Dr. Alvin Schmidt, 4/11/13

3. Parallels Between Joseph Smith and Muhammad, Part 2: The Prophet Complex and Religious Similarities – Dr. Alvin Schmidt, 4/4/13

3. Parallels Between Joseph Smith and Muhammad, Part 1: Early Life and Smith’s Admiration of Muhammad – Dr. Alvin Schmidt, 4/3/13

6. Violence Against Women in Afghanistan and Egypt – Dr. Alvin Schmidt, 2/21/13

1. The Muslim Pilgrimage Called “The Hajj” – Dr. Alvin Schmidt, 10/22/12

3. The Lack of “God” Talk by the Two Major Party Presidential Candidates – Dr. Alvin Schmidt, 10/3/12

3. Coptic Christians and the Election of a New Egyptian President – Dr. Alvin Schmidt, 6/25/12

2. The Shooting of a Muslim Serial Killer in France – Dr. Alvin Schmidt, 3/22/2012

4. The Accidental Burning of Korans in Afghanistan – Dr. Alvin Schmidt, 2/28/2012