Author: todd

1031. Media Coverage of a US Supreme Court Decision Permitting Clergy to Pray at an Execution – Terry Mattingly, 4/13/22

1013. Reflections on the 175th Anniversary of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod – Pr. Matt Harrison, 4/11/22

0981. Answering Arguments against Christianity: There Are Divergent Texts of the New Testament – Pr. Mark Pierson, 4/8/22

0971. A US Supreme Court Case on Public Funding for Religious Schools – Andrea Picciotti-Bayer, 4/7/22

0973. The Saint Peter Option: Living as Exiles in a Foreign Land, Part 15 – Pr. Peter Bender, 4/7/22

0972. A New Wall Street Journal Survey on the Popularity of Gestational Limit Laws – Dr. Michael New, 4/7/22