Author: todd

0861. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): Palm Sunday – Pr. Sean Daenzer, 3/27/23

0821. A Proposed Amendment to the Ohio State Constitution Legalizing Abortion – Dr. Michael New, 3/23/23

0811. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): The Fifth Sunday in Lent – Pr. Sean Daenzer, 3/22/23

0803. District Pro-Life Efforts in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod – Pr. Timothy Scharr and Pr. Michael Mohr, 3/21/23

0802. Synodical Pro-Life Efforts in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod – Pr. Matt Harrison and Deaconess Tiffany Manor, 3/21/23

0801. The History of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod’s Pro-Life Position – Dr. Ken Schurb, 3/21/23

0764. This Week in Pop-Christianity: Rick Warren’s “biblical” Justification for Ordaining Women – Pr. Chris Rosebrough, 3/17/23