Author: todd

1102. The Biden Administration’s Executive Order of Racial Equity in the US Military – Elaine Donnelly, 4/20/23

1101. Responding to Listener Feedback on the Fifth Commandment and Legal Lethal Force – Dr. Joel Biermann, 4/20/23

1083. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (1 Year Lectionary): Misericordia and Good Shepherd Sunday – Pr. Peter Bender, 4/18/23

1073. Responding to Roman Catholic Proof Texts: The Sacrifice of the Mass – Dr. Steven Parks, 4/17/23

1071. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): Third Sunday of Easter – Pr. Sean Daenzer, 4/17/23

1042. A Federal Court Ruling on the Food and Drug Administration and Abortion Drugs – Erica Steinmiller-Perdomo, 4/14/23

1043. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (1 Year Lectionary): Quasimodo Geniti – Pr. Peter Bender, 4/14/23

1033. Looking Forward to Sunday Morning (3 Year Lectionary): Second Sunday of Easter – Pr. Sean Daenzer, 4/13/23

1032. An Attempt by a Lutheran Church Missouri Synod University to Reject the Governance and Oversight of the LCMS – Mark Stern, 4/13/23

1031. Media Coverage of a Report on Sexual Abuse in the Baltimore Archdiocese and a Proposed Maryland Law – Terry Mattingly, 4/13/23