The Gospel of John
Introduction and John 1:1-18
Dr. Bill Weinrich of Concordia
Theological Seminary-Fort Wayne
John 1:19-3:36
Pr. David Petersen of Redeemer
Lutheran-Fort Wayne, IN
John 4:1-5:47
Pr. Will Weedon, Director of
Worship for the LCMS
John 6:1-7:36
Pr. Bill Cwirla of Holy Trinity
Lutheran-Hacienda Heights, CA
John 7:37-8:59
Pr. Jonathan Fisk of
Worldview Everlasting
John 9:1-10:42
Pr. Chris Rosebrough of
Fighting for the Faith
John 11:1-12:50
Dr. Ken Schurb of Zion
Lutheran-Moberly, MO
John 13:1-14:31
Pr. Peter Bender of Peace
Lutheran-Sussex, WI
John 15:1-16:33
Pr. Tom Baker of Law and Gospel
John 17
Dr. John Kleinig of Australian
Lutheran Seminary
John 18:1-19:42
Dr. Lane Burgland, author “Reading
the Bible with Understanding”
John 20:1-21:25
Dr. Arthur Just of Concordia
Theological Seminary-Fort Wayne