Tagged: Lutheran

2201. The Church-wide Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto, 8/7/19

1642. A Washington Post Op-Ed Titled, “I Wanted to Be Pro-Life, But the Pro-Life Movement Forces Me to Take Another Side” – Dr. Peter Scaer, 6/13/19

3404. The Killing of Missionary John Allen Chau and the Risks of Foreign Mission Work – Pr. Daniel McMiller, 12/6/18

1061. The Lutheran Confessions: The Apology of the Augsburg Confession: Repentance, Part 3 – Pr. Paul McCain, 4/16/18

0252. Progressive vs. Classical Lutheran Education: Socialization vs. Formation – Dr. Thomas Korcok, 1/25/18

3472. Planned Parenthood’s Social Media Campaign “People of Faith Support Birth Control Access” – Holly Scheer, 12/13/17

3001. The Reformation, Part 7: Reformation and Reversals, Scotland and France – Dr. Cameron MacKenzie, 10/27/17